Jun 19Liked by Jeanette Thomas

Hi JT, it's Jessica Steyn from PPL, way back when. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest about your journey. I moved a year ago and my neighbor across the street has cancer. We became fast friends and I am looking forward to sharing some of what you wrote here with her this evening. She is likely nearing the end of a six year battle. She should hear on Thursday if there is any more doctors can do to help her or if hospice is the next step. Cancer is evil but she is determined to find joy in every new day God gives her this side of heaven. And I feel so honored that God put me in her life to walk this journey with her. Blessings, friend!

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Jessica! So fun to reconnect -- and i love hearing about this special friendship. Please tell her there's a KC sis on her team 🎉♥️🙌🏼

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Jun 19Liked by Jeanette Thomas

Beautiful. Inspired. Such a gift. Thank you.

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Wow. Just wow. So well written. Thank you for your honesty. I’d just love to sit and have a cup of coffee with you and catch up on life.

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i'd love that! lmk if you're ever passing thru KC 😉

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Jun 19Liked by Jeanette Thomas

Thank you for sharing your vulnerability with such honesty and heart JT

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Jun 19Liked by Jeanette Thomas

Hit me right between the eyes, JT. For all kinds of reasons, this week has been a tough one for me, and I resonated deeply with everything you said, including the experience of the floor dropping out unexpectedly. "If you can't get around it, you'd better get into it." Grateful for your insight and vulnerability.

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ah! that floor drop tho 😳 so glad it connected; you’ve been often on my mind…

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